REKSYA : JURNAL RISET EKONOMI DAN KEUANGAN SYARIAH <p>REKSYA: JURNAL RISET EKONOMI DAN KEUANGAN SYARIAH adalah</p> en-US Wed, 31 Jan 2024 02:44:01 +0000 OJS 60 METODE PROSEDUR AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN DI BAITUL MAAL WAT TAMWIL <p>This study aims to determine the procedure for providing Murabahah financing used by BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru Branch of Pakong. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and literature research using qualitative descriptive methods. The results of this study indicate that the procedure for providing murabahah financing carried out by BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru Branch of Pakong can run according to the planned objectives, especially to encourage the efficiency of financing provision. The efforts that have been made by BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru Pakong Branch to ensure that the financing provided remains smooth, productive and not jammed is by complying with every management policy in providing financing.</p> Misbahul Umam, Moh. Safik, Mansur Mansur Copyright (c) 2024 REKSYA : JURNAL RISET EKONOMI DAN KEUANGAN SYARIAH Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MODEL MOTIVASI NASABAH DALAM PEMBIAYAAN PEGADAIAN EMAS DI BANK PEMBIAYAAN RAKYAT SYARIAH <p>Motivation is the driving force of an effort that is based on influencing someone's behavior so that someone is moved to do something so that goals are achieved. Seeing the growing demand of citizens and the increasingly acceptance of sharia-based business patterns in economic practice in Indonesia, many banks and other financial institutions are interested in implementing a similar pattern, especially the sharia pawnshop pattern allows companies to be more proactive and more productive in promoting in order to produce various products. modern financial services, such as accounts receivable or buying and selling services. In the intended pawning product, the values and principles of sharia in terms of pawning can be implemented in addition to that, its function can also be considered as an intermediary institution for citizens in the financial sector.</p> Fatmawati Fatmawati, Ridan Muhtadi, Marsam Marsam Copyright (c) 2024 REKSYA : JURNAL RISET EKONOMI DAN KEUANGAN SYARIAH Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI DALAM MEMPROMOSIKAN TABUNGAN SIMPANAN PELAJAR DI BMT <p>Communication Strategy Principles, namely Integrated, is an effort to combine (integrate) various activities with one communication program, Straightforward, let's say this to everyone, honesty accompanies our journey / honesty goes to a long away. This is a future struggle, Succint, the strategic message is generally very short and simple, Target-segment, set targets to be targeted, Personnel, help workers understand the impact of members, Memorable, make measurements of the results of communication to be carried out, Multimedia, using a variety of methods and media, Be Realistic, you must be realistic, Be Result, orient your work towards effective communication that can be measured. The four objectives of the communication strategy, namely, To secure understanding, namely to ensure that a term occurs in communication, To establish acceptance, namely how to receive is guided properly, after the communicant receives and understands the message conveyed, the message needs to be strengthened in the communicant's mind in order to produce encouraging feedback For communication purposes, To motivate action, namely activists to motivate it, To goals which the communicator sought to achieve, which means how to achieve the goals to be achieved by the communicators of the communication process.</p> Vina Maulidatul M, Merie Satya Anggraini, Kamali Kamali Copyright (c) 2024 REKSYA : JURNAL RISET EKONOMI DAN KEUANGAN SYARIAH Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STRATEGI MENAMBAH JUMLAH NASABAH PADA BMT AL-IKTISAB <p><em>Tujuan penelitian ”because many in various banks are competing to increase the nomber of costomers. Metode dan jenis penelitian” kualitatif-deskriptif”. Data collection technique “metode Observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi”. The results of this study resulted in three conchlusion, namely: A).trategi yang dilkaukan Oleh BMT Al-Iktisab dalam menambah jumlah nasabah yaitu dengan tiga strategi, a) memberi hadiah diawal. BMT memilih terhadap masyarakat yang mempunyai usaha kecil menengah. b) in selecting targets, BMT selects traders, building shops and small (Sandang Pangan). c) Dalam memilih Positioning. Namely according to the needs of members. B). Kendala yang dihadapi adalah ketatnya persaingan, kurangnya sumberdaya manusia serta biaya dan sarana prasarana terbatas. C). supporting factors adalah dengan tempat yang strategis, the brousur end with the development of technology. Dan dalam menjalankannya BMT Al-Iktisab memilih jalan dengan cara pick up the ball (jemput bola) yaitu dengan cara turun langsung kelapangan atau mendatangi para anggota. Analisis data “note, collect, think end the last by making new findings”</em></p> Wahyudi Wahyudi, Akhmad Rofiki, Mansur Mansur Copyright (c) 2024 REKSYA : JURNAL RISET EKONOMI DAN KEUANGAN SYARIAH Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENERAPAN SERVICE QUALITY PADA PRODUK TABUNGAN WADI’AH MULTIGUNA DI BANK PEMBIAYAAN RAKYAT SYARIAH <p><em>The quality of service and also its application to the multipurpose wadi'ah savings product at PT BPRS Sarana Prima Mandiri (SPM) at the Pamekasan head office, is in great demand by customers because the service quality is very good. You can pick them up from your house without depositing them yourself, there is a mobile cash car that can be transferred directly to that place. So customer interest is not only seen from the service but also the product, such as multipurpose wadi'ah savings (deposits) which can be retrieved at any time.</em></p> Rukmiyatus Solehah, Mansur Mansur, Marsam Marsam Copyright (c) 2024 REKSYA : JURNAL RISET EKONOMI DAN KEUANGAN SYARIAH Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000