QISTH: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/qisth <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Qist: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam</strong> diterbitkan oleh Fakultas syariah Institut Agama Islam Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan. Merupakan jurnal ilmiah di bidang Ilmu Hukum Islam yang diterbitkan pada bulan Maret, Juli, dan November. Jurnal ini memiliki misi besar dalam penegmbangan hukum islam dalam rangka mempertahankan sekaligus mengembangkan etos ilmiah.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Redaksi menerima artikel ilmiah dalam bentuk naskah konseptual atau hasil penelitian yang tidak dipublikasikan atau publikasi ilmiah lainnya yang berkaitan dengan tema Hukum Islam, dengan meliputi Hukum Keluarga, Hukum Islam, Studi Fikih Islam, Hukum Ekonomi Islam, Fikih Politik Islam, Hukum Perbandingan Islam dan Hukum Islam. Astronomi.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Semua artikel yang diterbitkan oleh <strong>Qist</strong>: <strong>Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam</strong> akan memiliki nomor DOI yang unik. karena telah bekerja sama dengan crosreef.</p> Fakultas Syariah IAIMU Pamekasan en-US QISTH: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam KAMPANYE DAN MENTORING KELAS POLIGAMI DALAM KASUS TREN DI INDONESIA https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/qisth/article/view/175 <p>The pros and cons regarding the practice of polygamy are a discussion that will never cease to be debated by people in various parts of the world. Apart from the controversy regarding the issue of polygamy, the author found an online media site which is actively propagating the practice of polygamy, they call it the Polygamy Community, this community is expanding not only through offline activities in various regions, but also often exists to voice its understanding using online media. In this research the author will examine the motives of the Polygamous Community in Indonesia in terms of framing, opportunity structure and mobilization of the polygamous movement using the lens of social movement theory. The type of research is qualitative and empirical using descriptive analysis methods. The purpose of this article is to provide a literary understanding related to the polygamy campaign movement which is becoming a trend in Indonesia</p> Anisa Anisa Isdiyanti Copyright (c) 2023 QISTH: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam 2023-09-15 2023-09-15 1 1 1 17 TINJAUAN MAZHAB SYAFI’I TERHADAP PULANGNYA SUAMI KARENA NUSYUZNYA ISTRI https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/qisth/article/view/404 <p>Understanding of the wife's nusyuz which caused Sumi to return home in Sumber Waru village, in 2013 there was a case of nusyuz against a husband and wife couple who had only been married for approximately five months, where the wife's nusyuz was caused by her not wanting to move to the residence that her husband had just made. , so that the wife disobeys her husband's orders and does not carry out her obligations, but the husband remains patient in dealing with his wife's behavior and attitude and it is felt that the wife will not stay in her nusyuz for long. This research uses a qualitative study with a descriptive analytical method. The results of research on the form of wife's nusyus that causes the husband to return home in Sumber Waru village, sub-district. Waru, district. Pamekasan is: A wife's neglect and a wife's indifference to her husband's orders, after several months of moving to a new house made by her husband, but the wife returns from her husband's house for no apparent reason and doesn't even return even though she has been persuaded. Imam Syafi'i's opinion regarding the husband's return home due to his wife's nusyus in Sumber Waru village, sub-district. Waru, district. The husband's return home because of his wife's nusyus based on the case above, according to Imam Syafi'i's opinion, is not haram because the hijr arises not from the husband but from the wife, this is because the wife returns home and no one accompanies her husband in his new home. Basically, the husband does not want to hijr, this is proven by the fact that the husband has persuaded the wife to return to her house, but the wife is still adamant about not returning. Because of this, the husband stayed at home alone and did not bring any changes to his household.</p> Humaidi Humaidi Mohsi Mohsi Kamali Kamali Copyright (c) 2023 QISTH: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam 2023-09-15 2023-09-15 1 1 18 37 PENENTUAN MAHAR PERKAWINAN PERSPEKTIF IMAM SYAFI’I https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/qisth/article/view/405 <p>In marriage there are definitely conditions, one of which is the dowry or dowry as a form of obligatory gift from a husband to his future wife. Of all the opinions of Madhhab Imams, only the opinion of Imam Syafi'i does not provide a minimum limit regarding dowry and also does not make it a marriage pillar, while other Madhhab Imams such as Imam Maliki, Imam Abu Hanifah and Kufa ulama provide a minimum limit for dowry that must be given to the bride and groom. Woman. Imam Maliki also made it harmonious in marriage. For this reason, researchers want to research it by formulating the problem as follows: 1). What is the concept of dowry position according to Imam Syafi'i 2). What is the concept of dowry payment according to Imam Syafi'i? To answer the questions above, the author uses the research method library research, meaning a study by examining books related to this thesis taken from the literature. All sources come from written materials related to the problems in the study and are also taken from other appropriate literature. From the discussion of this thesis, it can be concluded that, first, the concept of dowry position according to Imam Syafi'i is not a pillar of marriage, but is a condition for the validity of marriage. It is not obligatory to give a dowry to the wife if the husband divorces her before dukhu&gt;l and has not determined the dowry. This means that if the wife has been interfered with, she is obliged to determine the dowry, that the dowry is not a pillar and condition of marriage, but is an obligation of the husband for sexual intercourse. Second, the concept of dowry payments according to Imam Syafi'i which allows the postponement of dowry payments which allows partial or complete postponement of dowry payments if the prospective wife agrees. explains that dowry payments can be made in cash directly at the marriage contract and can also be postponed if the bride and groom agree. The suspension of dowry payments can be done in part or in full according to the agreement with the bride and groom.</p> Fahrul Fahroni Fahmi Assulthoni Mohsi Mohsi Copyright (c) 2023 QISTH: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam 2023-09-15 2023-09-15 1 1 38 54 BUDAYA PÈLÈT KANDUNG PERSPEKTIF ‘URF https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/qisth/article/view/406 <p>The culture of pellets is no longer strange to hear, especially in the Madurese community. In fact, this culture seems to be an obligation in every household when the wife is 7 months pregnant. As time goes by, the Pellet Kandung culture is no longer beautiful, there are many harsh comments from several figures, so that the Pellet Kandung culture is considered as if it is contrary to Islamic law and the concept of 'Urf. This research has benefits for theoretical use and practical use and this research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research, the presence of researchers in the field is one of the steps that will be taken by researchers as researchers and data collectors, the data sources in this research consist of data sources primary and secondary, data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. This research produces conclusions namely: a. In its implementation, Pèlèt Kandung begins with reading the letters of the Koran such as Surah Maryam and Surah Yusuf and also the prayer. This ritual is carried out after duhur or after Isha on the night of the full moon. In the implementation of the Pèlèt Womb the Dukun plays an important role in guiding the event procession. b. In reviewing the concept of 'Urf, the Pèlèt Kandung culture in West Bunten Village, Ketapang, Sampang includes 'Urf fi'li, 'Urf Sohihah and 'Urf Khas.</p> Mahrus Soleh Fahmi Assulthoni Kamali Kamali Copyright (c) 2023 QISTH: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam 2023-09-15 2023-09-15 1 1 55 76 MAJELIS DZIKIR DAN KEARIFAN LOKAL https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/qisth/article/view/403 <p>This research aims to analyze the application of local wisdom values, such as local customs and traditions at the Asy Syarifah Dhikr and Shalawat Council. The research uses a qualitative approach which attempts to describe the behavior of subjects and events in the form of literature research and empirical research. This research uses a phenomenological study approach to reveal symptoms/phenomena that have attracted a lot of public attention related to local wisdom. The results of the research show that the Asy Syarifah Dhikr and Shalawat Council fosters religious values/religious messages, education, morals, and a sense of brotherhood/ukhuwah or social values. The religious or Islamic values ​​contained in the dhikr assembly and Asy Syarifah prayers are clearly visible, namely in the Arabic poetry and prayers of the Prophet. In the dhikr and Shalawat Asy Syarifah assembly, members are taught the ethical values ​​of relationships between young people in everyday life. Meanwhile, social and cultural values ​​are visible in this assembly, namely the members of the assembly often meet so that social interaction occurs which leads to mutual understanding and familiarizing themselves with one another.</p> rusdi rusdi Miftahol Arifin Copyright (c) 2023 QISTH: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam 2023-09-15 2023-09-15 1 1 77 95