FeakonomicS: Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">FreakonomicS: Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance</span> adalah </p> en-US Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 ANALISIS PENGELOLAAN DANA DESA TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM (STUDI PADA DESA MASARAN BANYUATES SAMPANG) https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/497 <p>This research is undermined by increasing business competition, however, Nafa Brother Batik has not followed the development of business competitiveness that requires them to have and determine strategies in developing their business. The main objective of the strategy creation for Nafa Brother Batik is to objectively assess the current conditions and identify opportunities for development and growth of their business. The study uses a qualitative research design with a descriptive approach aimed at describing a particular situation objectively. Data is obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation. According to information, the owners of Nafa Brother Batik are Ms. Umsiyah and Irawati. The study uses SOAR analysis using the 5-I (Five-I) framework: Initiate, inquire, envision, innovate, and inspire to implement. Next, create the SOAR matrix and find out the SA-OA-SR-OR strategy. The findings from this study show that the implementation of SOAR analysis in the Nafa Brother Batik development strategy results in an evaluation of the strategy, namely the importance of creating new design products following current trends, both in terms of models and colors that are currently in high demand. Review the use of social media platforms such as Whatsapp Story and Instagram Story as a means of marketing and selling batik products. Improve the marketing system for e-commerce and TikTok. Maintain customer confidence by producing battery products with superior design and quality, as well as ensuring effective employee management to avoid obstacles to business progress.</p> Siti Rohmah, Rismanto Rismanto, Chairul Imam Copyright (c) 2024 FeakonomicS: Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/497 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DAMPAK MIGRASI TENAGA KERJA LUAR NEGERI TERHADAP SOSIAL-EKONOMI MASYARAKAT KECAMATAN PAKONG https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/498 <p>This research explains the impact of labor migration in Pakong Sub-district. The number of residents who migrate so that the community's economy is encouraged to get a higher social economic status. This research uses a qualitative approach with purposive sampling and snawball sampling techniques which are then described based on data obtained from Pakong sub-district residents who migrate to other countries and stay for approximately one year. The results showed that several positive influences made Indonesian workers, especially the Pakong sub-district community, migrate to other countries and there were several negative factors. The socio-economic impact caused makes the lives of the people of Pakong Subdistrict more fulfilled and more prosperous.</p> Sofiatun Imamah Copyright (c) 2024 FeakonomicS: Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/498 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DAMPAK ALIH FUNGSI LAHAN PERTANIAN MENJADI KAWASAN INDUSTRI TERHADAP KETAHANAN PANGAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF MAQASHID SYARIAH https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/499 <p>Food security is a condition that is met, the availability of food, both in quantity and quality, is affordable and does not conflict with religion. Fulfilling food security in Pilangkenceng District is hampered by several factors, including the rate of population growth, the amount of rice consumed and the area of agricultural land. This research aims to explore the impact of conversion of agricultural land into industrial areas on food security from a sharia maqashid perspective. The technique used by researchers is descriptive research using a qualitative approach method. The results of this research show that the conversion of around 17 hectares of agricultural land into an industrial area in Pilangkenceng District has not disrupted food security there. Referring to rice production and the amount of food needs based on the population in Pilangkenceng District, it turns out that the need for rice consumption can still be met, it can be concluded that rice accessibility is still quite good and evenly distributed. According to the Maqashid Sharia view, it also refers to the influence of 5 aspects resulting from land conversion that occurs</p> Fina Kholij Zukhrufin, Shinta Maharani Copyright (c) 2024 FeakonomicS: Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/499 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KELAYAKAN PEMBIAYAAN NASABAH KSPP SYARIAH BAITUT TAMWIL MUHAMMADIYAH SANG SURYA KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/500 <p>Cooperatives have existed since 1905, aiming to protect and maintain economic stability. Over time, people began to realize that the contracts used in conventional cooperatives often involved interest, which is not in line with sharia principles. Sharia financing savings and loan cooperatives (KSPP) are designed to operate within sharia guidelines, avoiding usury (interest), gharar (uncertainty), and maisir (gambling). This research, titled "Feasibility Analysis of Customer Financing at KSPP Syariah BTM Sang Surya Pamekasan Regency," employs qualitative methods to describe findings from the field. The study uses interviews and observations as primary data, complemented by documentation for secondary data. The analysis is descriptive, focusing on the application of the 5C+1S principle—Character, Capacity, Capital, Condition, Collateral, and Sharia—to assess customer eligibility for financing. The results indicate that the Syariah BTM Sang Surya Savings and Loans Cooperative in Pamekasan has effectively implemented this principle to determine the feasibility of providing financing to its customers.</p> Khairul Jannah, Mohammad Mahmudi Copyright (c) 2024 FeakonomicS: Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/500 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FENOMENOLOGI NASABAH TERHADAP IMPLEMENTASI SERVICE EXCELLENCE PARA PENGELOLA KSPPS BMT NU CABANG BANYUATES SAMPANG https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/501 <p>This research aims to find out how the phenomenology of the customer to the excellent service of managers KSPPS BMT NU Branch Banyuates Sampang, This research is disrupted by the lack of customer satisfaction to the superior service applied by BMT NU branch Banyuatés, while excellent service has tried as much as possible in the implementation of superior service or excellent service. Based on this, then there are two problems that become a special study in this research is: First, how phenomenology of the customer at BMT NU Branch Banyuates Sampang. Second, how the implementation of excellent service at BMT Nu Branch banyuates sampang. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. Source data obtained through interviews, observations and documentation. The information is the employees of BMT NU Branch of Banyuates and the entrepreneur of BMT nu Branch, the interview was conducted to the customer of BMT now and the manager of BMT Nu Branch. Some phenomena were found and the results of the analysis included; First, the phenomenology of the customer doubts about the excellent service, the customer is disappointed with the marketing, customer is frustrated with the service, customers are impatient in waiting for the melting of LASISMA. Second, the implementation of excellent service that exists at BMT NU Branch of Banyuates is ability, attitude, attention, accountability.</p> Luluul Jannah, Syaiful Bahri Hawi, Chairul Imam Copyright (c) 2024 FeakonomicS: Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.iaimu.ac.id/index.php/freakonomics/article/view/501 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000