Al-Miftah: Jurnal Sosial dan Dakwah <p><strong>Al-Miftah: Jurnal Sosial dan Dakwah</strong> diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Miftahul Ulum Pamkasan.</p> Fakultas Dakwah IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan en-US Al-Miftah: Jurnal Sosial dan Dakwah 3030-9883 Peran Pesantren sebagai Pusat Laboratorium Dakwah <p>Islamic boarding schools, as traditional Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia, have a very important role in spreading religious teachings and strengthening religious values ​​in society. In this context, Islamic boarding schools can be considered as laboratories for da'wah, where the principles of the Islamic religion are not only taught theoretically but also practiced in daily life by the students and Islamic boarding school leaders. Through in-depth religious education, the practice of da'wah in daily life, training of da'wah cadres, and the preservation of traditional Islamic culture, Islamic boarding schools play an important role in building devout, responsible and noble Muslims. With a better understanding of the role of Islamic boarding schools as laboratories for da'wah, efforts can be found to strengthen the role of Islamic boarding schools in spreading Islamic teachings and strengthening religious values ​​in society.</p> Taufikur Rohman Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Miftah: Jurnal Sosial dan Dakwah 2021-10-15 2021-10-15 1 2 51 58 Peran Konseling Islam dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Mental <p>Mental health is an increasingly important issue in today's modern society. The role of Islamic counseling in improving mental well-being is becoming increasingly relevant in overcoming various psychological and emotional challenges faced by individuals. This article reviews the role of Islamic counseling in the context of improving mental well-being, by highlighting a holistic approach based on Islamic religious values ​​in guiding individuals to overcome stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health problems. Through a deep understanding of Islamic religious teachings and psychological principles, Islamic counseling provides the emotional, spiritual, and psychological support necessary for individuals to achieve optimal mental well-being. By emphasizing self-knowledge, problem solving, emotional support, and spirituality, Islamic counseling helps individuals find inner peace and balance in living their lives. It is hoped that this article can provide useful insights for Islamic counseling practitioners as well as individuals seeking help in overcoming their mental health problems with an approach that is in accordance with Islamic religious values</p> Mughis Mughis Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Miftah: Jurnal Sosial dan Dakwah 2021-10-15 2021-10-15 1 2 34 42 PERAN USTADZ SEBAGAI KONSELOR DALAM KEGIATAN BELAJAR SANTRI <p>Student learning activities at the Karangsari Tlambah Karang Penang Sampang Islamic Boarding School are still relatively low. This is shown by the low enthusiasm of students participating in learning activities. This research aims to describe (1) the role of the Ustadz as a counselor in student learning activities at the Karangsari Tlambah Karang Penang Sampang Islamic Boarding School, (2) supporting and inhibiting factors for the Ustadz's role as a counselor in student learning activities at the Karangsari Tlambah Karang Penang Sampang Islamic Boarding School, ( 3) the results of student learning activities through the role of Ustadz as a counselor at the Karangsari Tlambah Karang Penang Sampang Islamic Boarding School. This research uses a qualitative approach, while this type of research is descriptive. The results of the research show that (1) the role of the Ustadz as a counselor in student learning activities at the Karangsari Tlambah Karang Penang Sampang Islamic Boarding School, including providing intensive study guidance (2) supporting factors for the Ustadz's role as a counselor at the Karangsari Tlambah Karang Penang Sampang Islamic Boarding School, among them are the existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure, the students' low interest in learning, and the willingness of the Ustadz, while the inhibiting factors are differences in the abilities of the students, differences in the social and cultural status of the students, as well as the students' reluctance to express their opinions, and (3) the results of the students' learning activities through Ustadz's role as a counselor at the Karangsari Islamic Boarding School is classified as good in terms of learning processes and outcomes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Zirki Fahrur Rosi Syifal Qulub Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Miftah: Jurnal Sosial dan Dakwah 2021-10-15 2021-10-15 1 2 59 72 Peran Perempuan dalam Dakwah Islam <p>This paper investigates the role of da'wah in historical and contemporary perspectives in Islam. From the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW until the leadership of Khulafaur Rasyidin, da'wah has been the main pillar in the spread of Islamic teachings, based on the principles of morals, justice, wisdom and compassion. However, in the contemporary context, da'wah is faced with new challenges and opportunities, including technological advances, globalization, and socio-political changes. In facing this challenge, it is important for Muslims to maintain moral values ​​and Islamic values ​​in carrying out da'wah, while developing strategies that are relevant to modern times. This article concludes that da'wah remains an important instrument in spreading Islamic teachings, strengthening the faith of Muslims, and building harmonious relations between Muslims and the wider community</p> Irfan Efendi Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Miftah: Jurnal Sosial dan Dakwah 2021-10-15 2021-10-15 1 2 43 50 Strategi Dakwah Kekinian pada Generasi Milenial <p>Digital da'wah has become an increasingly significant phenomenon in efforts to spread religious messages in this digital era. By utilizing various online platforms such as social media, websites and mobile applications, digital da'wah offers great opportunities to reach a wider and more diverse audience. However, as with other technological developments, digital da'wah is also faced with a number of challenges that affect its effectiveness. These challenges include the risk of spreading false information, inappropriate content, polarization and conflict between groups, and reliance on technology. This article aims to present an overview of the opportunities and challenges of digital da'wah, as well as provide a better understanding of the complexities involved in efforts to spread religious messages in this digital era. By understanding both the opportunities and challenges faced, digital da'wah activists can take appropriate steps to maximize the potential of digital da'wah in spreading religious messages to the wider community in an accurate, ethical and responsible manner.</p> Moh Efendi Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Miftah: Jurnal Sosial dan Dakwah 2021-10-15 2021-10-15 1 2 73 80