ASASI: Journal of Islamic Family Law
<div style="text-align: justify;">Asasi: Journal of Islamic Family Lawv (E-ISSN: 2775-2887) is published twice a year, April and October, by the Islamic Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Sharia, Islamic Institute of Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan since 2020 (first edition). Asasi: Journal of Islamic Family Law has always placed issues of Islamic Family Law and Gender as the focus of academic inquiry. With a fair double-blind peer review procedure. Asasi consistently publishes research articles related to this field in various dimensions and approaches.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"> </div> <div style="text-align: justify;">Due to its development and contribution, Asasi has made efforts to carry out an assessment so that it is accredited by Sinta.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;">Asasi: Journal of Islamic Family Law has been indexed by Crossref, BASE, Dimensions, Google Scholar, and Moraref.</div>en-US[email protected] (Mohsi)[email protected] (Moh Mujiburrohaman)Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000OJS Urf Terhadap Tradisi Pecotan Dalam Walimatul ‘Urs Di Kecamatan Kotaanyar Kabupaten Probolinggo Provinsi Jawa Timur
<p>The majority of people in Kotaanyar Regency use the pecotan tradition as a medium of invitation in carrying out walimatul 'urs to invite people to attend and donate in return in the form of money or goods. However, in the current situation, people continue to preserve the pecotan tradition, even though some people feel forced to do it. This is interesting for researchers to study and examine more deeply the status of the Pecotan Tradition using the 'urf analysis approach on walimatul 'urs in Kotaanyar District, Probolinggo Regency, East Java Province. The results of this research indicate that the status of the Pecotan Tradition using the 'urf analysis approach in walimatul 'urs has fulfilled the requirements to become a tradition ('urf) and is in accordance with the law. So it can be implemented in social life because it has a good goal by helping each other between communities when implementing Walimah al-'urs.</p>Muhammad Zainuddin, Alfin Haidar Ali, Robiatul Adawiyah
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Zainuddin, Alfin Haidar Ali, Robiatul Adawiyah, 15 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000Perjanjian Perkawinan Dalam Konsep Maqashid asy-Syari’ah
<p><em>A marriage agreement is an agreement made between a husband and wife when they are still married. Marriage agreements aim to protect the rights of each party and minimize conflict between husband and wife. However, on the other hand, there is a negative stigma that marriage agreements are considered taboo, unethical and full of individualistic and materialistic attitudes. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand the nature of the marriage agreement itself. This research aims to analyze the sociological basis and examine marriage agreements from the perspective of Maqashid Syari'ah. This research uses the Mashlahah theory. The research method used is normative juridical analysis, with data collection techniques through the study of documents, books, articles, magazines and dictionaries, then using the following techniques: analysis techniques, especially data simplification and data presentation and finally conclusions. The results of the first research show that the sociological basis of marriage agreements lies in the need for regulations that allow husband and wife to sign agreements as a step to minimize conflict between the two of them. Second, the marriage contract is in accordance with the principles of maqashid sharia, namely religious protection, soul protection, spiritual protection, property protection and child protection.</em></p>Moh Subhan
Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Subhan, 15 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000Konsep Maslahah dalam Metodologi Tarjih Muhammadiyah
<p>This article aims to analyze how the concept of maslahah is applied in the tarjih methodology in the Muhammadiyah tarjih council. There are three reasons why this research is important. First, Maslahah is a concept pioneered by ushul scholars, and its existence in the methodology of Islamic law istinbath many accept but also not a few who reject it as an epistemology of Islamic law. Second, Muhammadiyah as an Islamic-based community organization is one of the organizations engaged in da'wah, and has a Tarjih assembly as a forum tasked with studying and producing Islamic law in the form of tarjih decisions and fatwas. Third, through the Tarjih Assembly, which plays a role in issuing Tarjih decisions or fatwas on Islamic law, it does not escape using various Islamic legal methodologies used in the assembly. The results of this study show that the Muhammadiyah tarjih council uses maslahah considerations in legalizing certain problems. While the methods used in achieving maslahah include Qiyas, Istihsan, Maslahah Mursalah and saddu al-dzariat.</p>Soni Zakaria, Agus Supriadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Soni Zakaria, Agus Supriadi, 15 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000Nikah Beda Agama dan Dampaknya Terhadap Psikologi Anak Perspektif Maqashid al-Syari’ah
<p>This research explores the psychological impact of interfaith marriages on children in the Tapal Kuda area of East Java. Children from interfaith marriages only have multicultural awareness. However, it also has an impact on children's psychology. In this context, children often feel trapped between two different belief systems resulting from interfaith marriages, which can cause confusion and stress. Different beliefs and beliefs give children choices, which, of course, make children psychologically stressed by following one of them's beliefs. Pressure to choose one religion over another or to meet the expectations of both parents can cause significant internal conflict. This study uses a qualitative approach with case studies. The results show that these children show strong multicultural awareness but also experience significant challenges related to religious identity and mental health. Social pressure and confusion regarding religious identity often trigger their emotional instability, leading to feelings of anxiety, stress, and lack of self-confidence, ultimately affecting their mental health. Therefore, an inclusive approach is needed from families, communities, and educational institutions to support their mental health. This view is consistent with the principles of <em>Maqashid al-Syari’ah</em>, especially regarding protecting one's nasab <em>(hifz an-nasl)</em>, protecting the soul <em>(hifz al-nafs)</em>, and protecting religion <em>(hifz al-din).</em></p>Saini Saini
Copyright (c) 2024 Saini Saini, 15 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000Dampak Tradisi Meupahukh Terhadap Perkawinan Dibawah Umur dalam Masyarakat Suku Alas di Aceh Tenggara
<p>This study aims to analyze the practice of mepahukh tradition in the Alas tribal community as a process of finding a mate for young people and young women of the Alas tribe who have an impact on child marriage. In this study the author uses a type of field research (field research) and is qualitative research. Through the approach of sociology of Islamic law, the author tries to examine the impact of the traditional practice of mepahukh child marriage in the Alas tribal community. As for this study, there are also two types of data sources used by the author, namely primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the practice of <em>Meupahukh</em> tradition in the Alas tribal community, especially in Alur Buluh Village, Bukit Tusam District, Southeast Aceh Regency, had an impact on child marriage. As through social construction theory, Peter Berger and Thomas Luckman see society as a process that takes place in three dialectical moments at once, namely externalization, the impact of <em>Meupahukh</em> tradition on underage marriage occurred because there was no policy from the government, neither local regulations nor policies from the Aceh customary council that regulated the minimum age of marriage. Objectification, assuming that marriage is an easy thing and as a way to get out of the village or area where they live and economic factors. Internalization, there is no age limit for young men and women to follow the procession of the <em>Meupahukh</em> tradition even this tradition is also followed by children who are still in elementary school. The involvement of children in the <em>Meupahukh</em> tradition can certainly encourage underage marriage.</p>Dina Fadhila
Copyright (c) 2024 Dina Fadhila, 15 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000Penolakan Mahar Pecahan Nominal Sesuai Tanggal Tertentu Di KUA Kecamatan Bojonegoro Perspektif Hukum Islam
<p>Dowry is a mandatory gift from a man to a woman after performing a marriage contract. The determination of dowry is often based on symbolic aspects such as adjusting the dowry to a certain nominal fraction according to the wedding date or other dates that are considered sacred. This phenomenon triggered the Marriage Registrar at the Bojonegoro Religious Affairs Office to reject the dowry on the grounds that the dowry with a certain nominal fraction contained elements of waste and futility. This attracts researchers to study and study more deeply the analysis of Islamic law on the rejection of nominal fractional dowry according to a certain date at the Bojonegoro Religious Affairs Office (KUA). The results of this study show that the reason why the Marriage Registrar (VAT) of KUA Bojonegoro refused, is because in the dowry there is a nominal fraction that has no value and has no benefit so that it seems to be symbolic. In addition, how to get the nominal denomination money by buying and selling that contains elements of usury. In addition, the acquisition of the dowry is considered difficult. The refusal made can be punished as mubah (permissible) according to Islamic Law because in its practice in the dowry there are fractions that are not valuable and useful and contain riba so that they do not meet the valid conditions for dowry that have been explained in Islamic Law.</p>Ririn Fauziyah, Ali Hamdan, Muhammad Abul Khoir
Copyright (c) 2024 Ririn Fauziyah, Ali Hamdan, Muhammad Abul Khoir, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Asas Kepastian Hukum atas Perkara Pengangkatan Anak di Pengadilan Agama
<p><em>The Religious Court has the authority to examine, decide and resolve child adoption cases for people who are Muslim. This authority is regulated in Article 49 letter a number 20 of Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 concerning Religious Courts. In carrying out its authority, the Religious Court is based on the principle of Islamic personality, so ideally a person who is Muslim and wishes to apply for an adopted child should apply to the Religious Court. However, in reality the majority, including Muslims, submitted their petition to the District Court. The problem is, the District Court in deciding cases regarding applications for adopted children is based on customary law or Western law (BW), which in fact is different from Islamic law. The implications of adopting a child through the District Court will give rise to problems in the future, especially in inheritance issues, for example disputes between adopted children and other heirs. </em></p>Mohammad Ramli
Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Ramli, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000