Journal of Islamic Family Law2021-09-10T02:33:40+00:00Mohsi[email protected]Open Journal Systems<div style="text-align: justify;">Asasi: Journal of Islamic Family Lawv (E-ISSN: 2775-2887) is published twice a year, April and October, by the Islamic Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Sharia, Islamic Institute of Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan since 2020 (first edition). Asasi: Journal of Islamic Family Law has always placed issues of Islamic Family Law and Gender as the focus of academic inquiry. With a fair double-blind peer review procedure. Asasi consistently publishes research articles related to this field in various dimensions and approaches.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"> </div> <div style="text-align: justify;">Due to its development and contribution, Asasi has made efforts to carry out an assessment so that it is accredited by Sinta.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;">Asasi: Journal of Islamic Family Law has been indexed by Crossref, BASE, Dimensions, Google Scholar, and Moraref.</div> PENETAPAN HUKUM ISLAM 2021-09-10T02:33:40+00:00Fahmi Assulthoni[email protected]<p>Nahdlatul Ulama merupakan salah satu intitusi keagamaan yang bergerak dalam banyak bidang, seperti sosial, keagamaan, pendidikan dan ekonomi. Institusi ini dalam baiatnya berafiliasi pada <em>manhaj al-fikr</em> ahlussunnah wal jamaah (aswaja). Salah satu bidang yang memiliki peran vital dalam perjalanan sejarahnya adalah masalah-masalah seputar hukum suatu benda dan suatu perkara. Salah satu lembaga yang fokus menangani problematika kehidupan umat Islam di bidang hukum adalah Lajnah Bahtsul Masail (LBM). LBM didirikan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui status hukum yang melekat pada suatu perkara dan benda dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Terlepas dari pro-kontra produk-produk hukum Islam yang dihasilkan, fatwa-fatwa yang muncul dari hasil ijtihad ini menjadi satu acuan masyarakat muslim melaksanakan kehidupannya secara sosial, bernegara dan beragama. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian yang bersifat normatif dengan mendiskusikan literatur-literatur relevan terkait metodologi penetapan hukum Islam dalam kerangka pemikiran Nahdlatul Ulama. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan bahwa berdasarkan metodologinya Nahdlatul Ulama mempunyai tiga macam metode, yaitu: <em>qauliy</em>, <em>ilhaqi</em>, dan <em>manhaji</em>. Tiga metodologi tersebut merupakan satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh institusi NU dalam rangka menghormati pemikiran-pemikiran ulama terdahulu. Selain itu agar genealogis keilmuan dan keguruan terus bersambung sampai kepada nabi Muhammad SAW.</p> <p><em>Keyword: </em>istinbath al-Hukmi, Nahdlatul Ulama</p>2020-10-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 ASASI: Journal of Islamic Family Law NORMATIF DALAM STUDI HUKUM ISLAM2021-09-10T02:19:40+00:00M. Mohsi[email protected]<p>Like other religions, Islam has two dimensions that cannot be separated, namely the esoteric dimension in which Islam transcends space and time, transcends rationality, is transindent and absolute. And secondly, it has an exoteric dimension, this is religion exists in a structured form, exists in space and time, rationality, is limited and relative. With these two dimensions, Islam is able to provide wide space for its adherents to always carry out research and stabilization through good understanding with one of the goals of restoring all Islamic traditions that are maintained even though the dynamics of the times are very rapid.</p> <p>Keywords: Normative Approach, Islamic Law Studies</p>2020-10-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 ASASI: Journal of Islamic Family Law PEMKIRAN NASR HAMID ABU ZAID TERHADAP DESAKRALISASI AL-QUR'AN2021-09-10T02:24:33+00:00Isbat[email protected]<p>Al-Qur'an adalah kalam Allah, wajib kita imani dan kita buat patokan hidup. Dalam pemikiran Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, beliau termasuk modernis masa kini, pendapatnya banyak dinilai kontroversial, beliau tidak takut untuk dikritik dengan apapun yang berkenaan dengan pemikirannya yang kontroversial itu. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dikaji langsung dari buku Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid yang menjadi faktor dalam konsepnya hingga dianggap menodai Al-Qur'an yaitu penggunaan metode hermeneutika didalam menafsirkan AL-Qur'an tersebut. Beberapa konsep pemikiran beliau yang kontroversial tersebut antara lain adalah (1) Al-Qur'an dianggap sebagai hasil budaya, (2) Al-Qur'an merupakan kejadian sejarah, (3) Al-Qur'an merupakan naskah naskah hasil manusia, yaitu nabi Muhammad, (4) Al-Qur'an tidak lebih seperti naskah biasa, sebagaimana naskah yang lain, (5) Siapapun diperbolehkan menafsiri Al-Qur’an bagi siapa saja termasuk orang non Islam dan ateis. Desakralisasi Al-Qur’an yang dilakukan Nasr Hamid ternyata mengandung banyak hal negatif, diantaranya adalah (1) Dekonstruksi Al-Qur’an, (2) relatifisme penafsiran (3) ketidak percayaan terhadap Al-Qur’an serta penghinaan bagi orang islam.</p>2020-10-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 ASASI: Journal of Islamic Family Law ULANG TRADISI ABHAKALAN ANAK DI BAWAH UMUR PADA MASYARAKAT SUKU MADURA2021-09-10T02:15:54+00:00Moh Subhan[email protected]<p>The Madurese tribe is one of the tribes in Indonesia that has a variety of unique cultures and customs. The heterogeneity of the traditions and customs of the Madurese tribe, until now still maintained neatly, although there are also traditions that have begun to fade. Among the traditions that are still maintained and carried out today is <em>abhakalan</em>.</p> <p>Abhakalan is a form of matchmaking in the Madurese tribe, where the child's match is arranged and determined by both parents or close relatives so that children cannot choose their own partner to be their life partner. Abhakalan is done by parents of their children has adults or still child who are still minors, even children who are still in the womb. The attitude of children's obedience to parents among Madurese is still very high. Parents, families, or community have a greater role to answer basic questions related to <em>abhakalan</em>. In this case abhakalan is done as an effort to maintain the integrity of the brotherhood (sa taretanan) and kinship (sa bhela’an) of each of these families, so that their families remain intact and large. In addition, so that the inheritance does not fall into the hands of others.</p> <p>Although it cannot be denied, that the tradition of <em>abhakalan</em> in minors that has occurred from generation to generation can have positive and negative impacts, depending on how the both sides of the family maintain harmonious communication and relationships between families.</p>2020-10-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 ASASI: Journal of Islamic Family Law “TŌKANG TEKKU’ TĒNGKA” DALAM PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA PADA LEMBAGA ADAT DI MADURA2021-09-10T02:29:08+00:00Muchlis[email protected]<p>(The usual alternative dispute resolution conducted by elite figures out of Court (non litigation) with different systems between the indigenous regions with one another by a mediator, in mediation in custom lemabag Madura.Dispute resolution through mediation is certainly not always manage to achieve peace, as the dispute continues, the less expert public figures acting as conciliator of the parties (the mediator). As one of the results of research carried out in the village of Palengaan author Laok against implementation of dispute resolution happening within the community.The village has a community belief system of the ditokohkan be a term "tokang tekkuk tengka".The problems in society are resolved through the elite character of the people of the to the local as a place of discussion bleter in categories have authority over the decisions of the local village chief.)</p>2020-10-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 ASASI: Journal of Islamic Family Law